一个家 & 财产索赔 shouldn’t make you want to run away

If you made a list of things you wanted to do today, “file a home & 财产索赔” wouldn’t be on it. So we designed our 索赔过程 to be fast and easy.

家 & 财产 索赔过程

Finding 财产 damage can be stressful. 但是你有这个. And we’re 在这里 to help.

  • 用照片、笔记和其他任何可能有用的东西记录损坏情况.
  • Take steps to mitigate further damage.



File your claim with our 手机应用程序 或者在我们的 网站. You can also call us at 800 -科幻索赔 (800-732-5246) 到文件.





We’ll assign your home & 将财产索赔交给索赔处理程序(或团队)来管理,并指导您完成整个过程.





您的索赔处理人员将确定您的索赔是否包括在内,以及任何包括在内的损害赔偿的费用. If you’re due a settlement, your claim handler will work to get you your money, 减少你的免赔额, as quickly as possible.



如果你是收款人, 您可以指定您是想以支票还是直接存款的方式收到付款.

And if you haven’t already, you’ll probably need to find contractors to complete repairs, sign repair contracts, 并提交发票, 如果适用的话.


If you’re entitled to a settlement, 国营农场® will issue it to you, 或者是服务提供商, according to your claim and policy details.

问题? 没有问题.

登录 to message your claim handler(s) online or through our
手机应用程序. 或者打电话给我们 800 -科幻索赔 (800-732-5246).

What is and isn’t typically covered under a home & 财产索赔

No two claims are exactly alike. 这里列出了一些家庭通常包括和不包括的事情 & 财产pp王者电子官网. 检查你的保单或让你的代理人了解你的保单包括哪些内容.

  • 通常覆盖: 风(包括倒下的树对屋顶造成的损坏)、冰雹、火灾和闪电.
  • Not typically covered: 磨损、腐烂、变质和工艺(安装/修理不当).

  • 通常覆盖: 由于家里的水管突然漏水而造成的损失, 如果使用合理的措施来保持家中的热量,则管道会冻结/爆裂, 通过下水道或排水管的水(有下水道或排水管的备份背书)和由冰坝造成的水对你的家的损害.
  • Not typically covered: losses caused by flood, 地下的水, 地表水, water backing-up through a sewer or drain (without endorsement), 潮汐水, 海啸, overflow of a body of water, spray from any of these whether driven by wind or not, 如果没有采取合理的保温措施,管道就会冻结和爆裂.

  • 通常覆盖: 失窃物品,如珠宝、电子产品、银器、金器和地毯.
  • Not typically covered: animals, birds and fish.

Things to think about

It’s up to you to decide when 到文件 a claim. 但是请记住,当发生pp王者电子官网损失时,你有pp王者电子官网来帮助修理或更换.

Policy benefits may include:

  • Payment for covered roof damage
  • 当pp王者电子官网损失导致您的房屋无法居住时,为您提供临时住所的pp王者电子官网
  • 赔偿因pp王者电子官网损失而损坏或被盗的个人财产
  • 如果有人在拜访你的家时受伤,责任pp王者电子官网的索赔

有问题? Talk it over with your 州立农场代理.

Here are some of the signs of wind or hail damage:

  • Shingles in your yard, as well as raised or missing shingles
  • Excessive shingle granules in your downspouts and gutters
  • Water stains on your highest ceiling


File your claim as soon as possible after you find damage.

When it comes to stolen 财产, you need to act fast.

  • Report the theft to the police
  • 检查你的pp王者电子官网,包括pp王者电子官网范围,限制,以及与个人财产相关的免赔额
  • 提出索赔 with 国营农场



Filing a stolen 财产索赔 is fast and easy.


  • Dark or wet-looking spots on your ceiling or walls.
  • Cracking, bubbling, or flaking paint or drywall.
  • A puddle of water that returns after you’ve cleaned it up.
  • The sound of running or dripping water behind your wall.
  • A damp, musty, or moldy smell.

访问 屋顶索赔 to learn how to select a roofing contractor, what’s typically included in a roof repair estimate, 和更多的.

Understand Your Property’s Valuation

Depending on your policy, 个人财产的pp王者电子官网可以以实际现金价值或重置成本为基础.

实际现金价值 财产受损部分在损失时的价值是多少. It is defined as replacement cost less depreciation.
重置成本 指用可比项目修理或更换财产的成本.


Frequently asked questions

Unless it’s excluded in your policy, 房主pp王者电子官网通常包括意外的直接财产损失, meaning happening by chance, 去你的住处, 其他结构, personal liability and medical payments to others.

房主政策还为特定事件提供个人财产pp王者电子官网, including but not limited to:

  • 闪电
  • 风暴或冰雹(当风或冰雹在屋顶或墙壁上造成一个开口并允许下雨时), 雪, 雨夹雪, 沙子, 或灰尘进入)
  • 盗窃
  • 破坏公物
  • Certain types of abrupt water damage


Your premium won’t necessarily go up after you file a home & 财产索赔, but it might. It’ll depend on several factors, including the claim details, how much your 财产 will cost to repair or replace, and how many claims you’ve filed in the past. 和你的代理人谈谈,看看你的保费是否会因为你的索赔而上涨.

你要对你的可扣除金额负责,以你的pp王者电子官网限额为限. 但是,你的pp王者电子官网单不包括超出你的pp王者电子官网限额的任何费用.


你可以选择任何你喜欢的承包商,但如果你需要帮助寻找承包商,给我们 承包商定位器 一试.

If coverage does not apply for a particular claim, 我们将给你发一封书面信函,解释导致你的索赔被拒绝的具体政策措辞.

访问 简单的见解® 要了解更多关于 家里的库存, including how to create one.

是的. In addition 去你的住处, 州立农场房主pp王者电子官网涵盖位于您的住宅场所的其他结构,这些结构与住宅之间有明确的空间分隔. 你的保单通常以10%的住宅pp王者电子官网覆盖其他结构.

This includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • 栅栏
  • 独立车库
  • 设备了
  • 谷仓
  • 客人别墅
  • 联系你的代理人,为你财产上的其他建筑投保.


Download our award-winning 手机应用程序 for free.

Available for iOS and Android.

Apple App Store button for 国营农场 手机应用程序Google Play button for 国营农场 手机应用程序

注:这只包含了可获得的pp王者电子官网范围的一般描述,而不是合同的陈述. 所有pp王者电子官网均受所有保单条款和适用背书的约束. For further information, see your 州立农场代理.