A car tire is removed to show the brakes underneath.

Signs of brake failure and what to know

刹车安全应该是每个司机在保养时关心的问题. 寻找这些潜在的危险信号来帮助你把刹车故障降到最低.

Brakes are a vital safety feature, 所以熟悉你的车的刹车系统应该是一个优先事项. “车辆上的制动系统对于保证你和你的乘客的生命安全以及你的车辆远离修车铺至关重要," says James Solomon, 防御性驾驶课程项目开发和国家安全委员会培训主任.

Causes of brake failure

Brake failure or damage can have numerous culprits, including improper or infrequent maintenance, 制动液含量低,刹车片和/或转子磨损, undetected damage from an unknown source, and wear and tear from weather extremes, including corrosion from road salt.

Your brakes could also be compromised if you've hauled a heavy trailer that doesn't have trailer brakes. 这可能会使车辆的刹车过热,导致刹车加速磨损和损坏.


How do I know if my brakes are bad?


  • Odd noises. 如果轻踩刹车会发出尖锐的尖叫声, you need to see a mechanic as soon as possible. 其他可疑的声音包括抓挠、刮擦和研磨.
  • Irregular movements or feeling. 当你停车时,你的车辆使劲向左或向右拉, 你一边的刹车工作得很好,另一边却不行, says Solomon. 刹车沉到地板上或在工作前震动,或者方向盘摇晃,都是需要注意的危险信号.
  • Inability to stop quickly. 增大的停车距离表明你的刹车有问题.
  • Warning lights. 也许最明显的危险信号是:当出现问题时,仪表盘上的刹车系统警示灯会闪烁.

What to do if your brakes fail

If your brakes cease to function while you're driving, remain calm, keep your focus on the road, and take immediate action:

  • Try not to panic.
  • 启动紧急闪光灯并按喇叭提醒其他司机.
  • Take your foot off the accelerator to begin slowing down, 小心地把你的车开到右车道或右肩. Be sure to signal properly and watch for other drivers.
  • Leave your car running until you’re stopped and safe, 因为关闭引擎会导致你失去动力转向.
  • Downshift to let the engine help slow the vehicle. As you downshift, avoid the following:
    • 不要换到空挡,因为你的发动机有一个制动效果,将被取消.
    • 不要下档太快,否则会导致打滑.
  • 如果你的车辆有防抱死刹车,请用力踩刹车踏板. 如果你的车没有配备这个安全系统,那就踩油门.
  • 一旦你降低了速度,慢慢地、逐渐地使用驻车刹车. 如果你做得太快,压力太大,你的车轮可能会锁住.
  • 在你再次开车之前,把你的车拖走,让专业人士修理一下刹车.


"Before purchasing a new car or a used vehicle, inquire as to what type of braking system it has and the fail-safe system that backs it up," says Solomon, Who建议在购物时问以下问题:

  • 你需要听转子或鼓的声音吗?
  • 是否有刹车磨损的警示灯系统?
  • 如果仪表板上的黄色刹车灯亮起,你需要多长时间寻求帮助?
  • 如果仪表板上的红色刹车灯亮了,你该怎么办?
  • 你应该多久(以英里和月为单位)让有资格的专业刹车师检查一下你的刹车?

除了熟悉你的刹车系统, make sure you're well acquainted with your vehicle's other safety features and never take them for granted. Make sure to do maintenance to your car 在问题成为你和你的乘客的安全问题之前,定期发现问题.

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