Man forcing a car door lock.

How to prevent car theft


The NHTSA 据报道,2022年有超过100万辆汽车被盗,造成超过80亿美元的损失. Passenger cars accounted for 74% of the thefts. The National Insurance Crime Bureau mentions that after Chevrolet and Ford pickups, Honda, Hyundai, Kia and Toyota sedans are the most stolen. 小偷总是在寻找一个容易下手的目标, 这可能是你的整个车辆或某些部件,如一个 catalytic converter.


The basics

  • Lock the doors.
  • 不要在引擎运转时离开你的车. 这不会为你节省很多时间,而且这是对小偷偷你的车的公开邀请.
  • Take your keys with you. 即使把备用钥匙藏在别人看不到的地方也是个坏主意. 坏人往往知道所有的藏身之处.
  • Roll up your windows all the way. 一个有经验的偷车贼能在一个很小的缺口上做到这一点,真是不可思议.
  • Secure your car's Wi-Fi hotspot, if it has one. 黑客可以利用它进入你汽车的电子控制系统. 记住要有安全的密码,并保持软件更新.
  • Secure your garage. 如果你把车停在家里的车库里,记得关上车库里的门,锁好外面的门. And never leave your keys in the car.
  • Hide valuables. 把你的私人物品放在别人看不见的地方,最好放在后备箱里或盖在毯子下面.

Car security systems

  • Install an anti-theft device. 如果你还没有一个,一个简单的汽车警报器可以帮你改变.
  • Consider a vehicle recovery system. 如果你的车被偷了,可以用GPS、发射器或类似的技术来追踪.
  • Get the VIN etched onto doors or windows. 职业盗贼知道他们得把蚀刻版画去掉才能转卖车. 你也可以在催化转化器上蚀刻VIN,特别是如果你有一辆皮卡或SUV这样的高调车辆.
  • Consider installing a kill switch. A switch 能被放置在一个隐蔽的地方并连接到燃料管道上吗, 防止汽车启动的电池或点火装置, even with a key.
  • Use a steering wheel or tire lock. These security measures, either attached to the steering wheel or tire, 能不能相对便宜又靠司机在离开汽车前安装好呢.

Parking safety

  • Park in populated areas. 小偷可能不太可能去打扰停在繁忙、光线充足的街道上的汽车.
  • 停车聪明,以帮助防止盗窃通过拖车. 在街道上停车时,将车轮转向路边,并设置紧急刹车. 将前轮驱动车辆停放在车道或停车场时, pull in forward and set the emergency brake. 如果是后轮驱动,后退并设置紧急刹车.

When buying a new vehicle

  • Find out which vehicles are stolen the most. Some vehicles are bigger targets than others.
  • Consider paying a little more for an alarm. 它的前期成本更高,但它可能会节省你的钱 car insurance 而且可以决定你的车是否被偷.
  • Research other anti-theft devices. Smart keys, electronic tracking devices, hood locks, 一个可见的方向盘锁-有很多选择, some cheap and some more expensive.

Comprehensive coverage 帮助支付修理或更换被偷或损坏的车辆,而不是碰撞或翻车. Contact a State Farm® agent if you want to learn about the different coverage options available for cars.

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