Young woman, preparing for college, loading a laundry basket of items into a car with her father.


Track the key steps you and your high schooler should consider when preparing for college.

关于 3.400万高中生 预计将在2022年毕业. 如果你的孩子正在考虑接受高等教育, knowing how to prepare for college in high school can get both of you ready. Use this chronological college checklist to stay ahead of key steps, 包括学校访问和助学金截止日期, 并帮助铺平通往高等教育的道路.

  1. 打下基础
    By 9th and 10th grade you and your student should be discussing life after high school. Encourage a visit with the school counselor and/or any interests and skills assessment, 还有实习机会, 学徒制, job shadowing and summer programs to explore possibilities and gain experience.
  2. 调查选项
    Start a running list of your student's favorite schools or programs. 研究 and contact each to learn more about what makes the experience and education distinctive. 参加 大学访问 还有招聘会. Plan visits to campuses — even neighboring schools that aren't on your top list of favorites can help you 选择合适的大学.
  3. 参加考试
    Not every school or program requires standardized tests, but taking them keeps options open. 的 PSAT, usually taken in the fall of junior year, serves as practice for the SAT. 大三的春天是典型的ACT和SAT时间. Some college hopefuls try for an improved score in the fall of senior year. 许多大学接受ACT或SAT成绩, so determine which presents your student best by taking practice tests.
  4. 申请奖学金
    A good summer project before senior year is researching and applying for local and national 奖学金. 的y're available for a range of reasons — from involvement in extracurricular activities to academic performance. Avoid scams by remembering that you should never have to pay to find them.
  5. 完善这些应用程序
    高三第一件事, your student should begin requesting teacher recommendations and writing and revising application essays. Early-decision and early-action applications are typically due in November, and the deadline for regular college applications is normally January 1 to February 1. 其他程序, 包括贸易和技术学校, 可能会有更晚的截止日期——在日历上做个标记.
  6. 申请经济资助
    免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA), which determines the need for billions of dollars to millions of students yearly, 从10月1日开始. 尽早申请,因为有些基金是先到先得的. Some schools may require you to fill out the 大学 Board's CSS档案 取而代之的是一个比 FAFSA.
  7. 比较大学
    • 多问问题 — Any search should begin by gathering information from schools and other sources and include an in-depth review of the type of person your teenager is.
    • 讨论大学的费用 T在这里 are a lot of cost considerations to discuss in addition to 学费、食宿费; it’s helpful to discuss as many as you can.
    • 探索各种各样的大学和校园 It’s one thing for a kid to say, “I want to go to a small school.” It’s another thing to actually visit institutions with different enrollment sizes and 比较经验,例如教室大小和住房.
    • 寻求帮助 Your student may have a viewpoint that contrasts with your own experiences and ideas. 有了专家的投入,弥合差距会更容易, such as guidance counselors and professional academic advisors, 谁能就如何做提供公正的指导 选择合适的大学.
  8. 选择合适的大学
    一旦你的学生收到录取通知书, make any necessary financial comparisons and loan applications to inform your final decision. Send in your acceptance and deposit by the required due date — typically May 1. Don't forget to let schools you're not choosing know that you're declining their offer of admission.
  9. 为下一阶段做准备
    T在这里 may be forms to fill out, classes to register for and perhaps new living arrangements. Your student's chosen school or program will keep you posted as both of you navigate the launch into this new adventure, 在教育和生活中.

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Narrowing down your choices and developing a budget can help you keep costs down.

FAFSA® 家庭需要知道的事实



大学是年轻人人生中的一大步. 帮助 prepare your student for the transition with the following tips.

How to apply for college 奖学金: It could save you money

帮助 your child find the right 奖学金, know their deadlines, and submit a strong application.