
Digital voice assistant safety tips

对于家里有数字助理的人来说,隐私问题越来越受到关注. Here's how to help boost your protection.

What is a digital assistant?

数字助理——能够执行简单家庭任务的小型智能设备——实用而有用. Research suggests that by the end of 2024, there will be more than 8.4 billion units in use globally, which is higher than the world's population. Using artificial intelligence, these devices can answer questions, complete a task such as turning on lights or faucets, play a song, find a recipe or create a shopping list.

Sometimes called a virtual assistant, this type of gadget uses machine learning, 自然语言处理和理解能力收集数据,因为它了解他们的用户. 这些设备运行算法并解释收集到的数据以提供服务或建议, answer complex or deep questions and in some occasions, begin conversations with users.

Digital assistant privacy

虚拟助手的流行也让共享数据和录音的隐私问题成为人们关注的焦点. There have been documented issues of devices placing orders for toys, emailing recorded conversations without knowledge and listening in and leaking device recordings.

最近的一项研究发现,这样的故事给一些数字助理用户敲响了警钟 52% are concerned about privacy. There are steps you can take to protect your data, your privacy and users and improve your digital assistant safety. Here's what to do.

Turn off the mic

Voice assistants are always listening for commands. One way to stop this is to mute the device. 这通常就像按下麦克风按钮关闭麦克风一样简单, then pressing it again to re-activate listening mode. 例如,对苹果的HomePod说,“嘿,Siri,别听了”,就能让它脱离. 然后,要重新激活它,点击顶部的中心,说:“嘿,Siri,开始听吧。."

Delete old recordings

Similar to clearing the cache on your computer's browser, 可以删除亚马逊Echo或谷歌Home设备的历史记录.

How to delete Alexa recordings

Open the Alexa app and select Menu > Settings > Alexa Privacy > Review Voice History > Date Range > All History> Delete all of my recordings. 接下来,你可以对你的设备说:“Alexa,删除我今天说的所有内容."

How to delete Google Home recordings

Open the Google Home app and select your personal icon found on the top right corner > My Activity > Delete Activity By > All Time. 下一步,您可以在同一区域选择“自动删除”,定期清理数据.

Opt out of voice data collection


Alexa privacy settings

Open the Alexa app and select Menu > Settings > Alexa Privacy > Manage Your Alexa Data> toggle off next to Help Improve Alexa; then toggle off next to Use of Voice Recordings and next to your name under Use Messages to Improve Transcriptions.

Google Home privacy settings

Open the Google Home app and select profile icon > My Activity > Saving Activity > toggle off Include Audio Recordings.

Implement parental controls

Afraid your child will ask the voice assistant to send him or her toys? 要么禁用语音购买,要么要求购买时输入确认码. 一些设备允许孩子拥有自己的个人资料,这样父母就可以限制孩子使用支付和第三方应用程序.

Keep devices up-to-date

科技公司定期发布软件更新以解决安全漏洞. 如果你的语音助手连接了Wi-Fi,它会自动检查并安装更新. 每个月仔细检查你的隐私设置,以确保在更新期间没有任何变化.

Lock down your Wi-Fi

黑客总是有可能试图访问你的声控助手,以获取个人信息. 为了确保您的整体在线安全,明智的做法是保护您的 Wi-Fi network. Make it private, 使用Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)等加密方法,并选择唯一且复杂的密码

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