Woman sitting at desk typing


像腕管这样的重复性应激性损伤(RSIs)会引起疼痛并导致严重的问题. Learn how a few changes might help prevent them.

What is RSI?

重复性劳损(RSI)是局部疼痛和肿胀的总称, usually around a joint, associated with an ongoing, repetitive physical action. Both in the workplace and in everyday life, 对关节和肌腱的过度压力首先会引起疼痛和刺激, but can lead to more severe problems.

You've probably heard of RSIs before. 一些常见的例子包括腕管综合征和网球肘, 但是有很多不同的种类,每个RSI通常与一个特定的动作有关. 这样想:哪里有关节,哪里就可能有RSI. "Texting Thumb,拇指发炎与过度使用移动设备打字有关, 和“短信颈”和“手机肘”一样,是高科技造成的同样的伤害吗."

In the office, 你如何工作的简单人体工程学可以在你是否因打字而患上RSI方面发挥重要作用, clicking or talking. 预防这种疾病就像改变你坐在椅子上的姿势一样简单. 长时间坐在键盘前,手放在鼠标上很容易导致受伤,重要的是要尽你所能降低风险. This also has a side benefit of reducing workplace stress as well.

Preventing RSI: Ergonomics


  • 不要在椅子上扭来扭去,不要以尴尬或不自然的姿势坐着. 把你经常用到的东西放好——不管是你的电脑, phone, stapler or coffee mug — nearby and within easy reach.
  • 调整椅子的高度和扶手以及键盘的位置,使你处于“中立对齐”状态。. 这是指当你打字或使用鼠标时,肩膀放松,手臂自然地落在扶手上的姿势. Your elbows should be at about 90-degree angles.
  • Type with your wrists at a downward angle. Older keyboards can be raised in the back, creating a downward-sloping triangle that forces your wrists up. Over time, typing at this angle could promote an RSI.
  • Don't type with your wrists twisted to the left or the right. Instead, approach the keyboard from straight-on, 你的小指可以舒适地盖住键盘的外缘.
  • 确保你的显示器正对着你的头,处于一个舒适的高度——最好是在或略低于眼睛的水平线上, and about arm’s distance from you.
  • 调整椅子的高度,使你的脚牢牢地放在地板上,你的体重均匀地分布在整个座位表面. 如果你的椅子或桌子让你很难做到这一点,那就找一个平坦或长方形的脚凳.
  • 当你在办公桌前工作时,不要把钱包或其他大件物品放在后口袋里. 臀部稍微倾斜会给你的下背部带来不必要的压力, 可能会导致梨状肌综合症和坐骨神经痛等神经问题.
  • Don’t cross your legs while working at your desk. If possible, 利用一张坐立两用的办公桌,在电脑前工作时尽量站立20分钟或更长时间.
  • 如果你的工作需要经常使用电话,可以使用耳机来避免颈部和肩部的疲劳.

Break it up

简单地改变一下日常的人体工程学,就能在很大程度上防止工作场所的rsi, but there's more you can do to help in the fight against RSIs.

  • Take brief breaks.
  • Stretch your hands and wrists.
  • Stand and walk when you can.
  • Get plenty of exercise away from work.
  • Take frequent eye muscle breaks.

If you do think you might have an RSI — swelling, tingling or unexplained pain in your fingers, hands, wrists, elbows or back — make an appointment with the doctor right away.

RSIs develop over time, become much more severe if they go untreated, 是否可能需要长期的物理治疗和康复, and cost you more for health insurance. As is often the case, the best approach is all-out prevention.

本文中的信息来自与State Farm®无关的各种来源(包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.


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