A Realtor showing a home to a young family



You're employed, 你在支付账单,把一部分收入存起来——你支付了所有的基本费用. 所以,如果你正准备达到一些更大的财务里程碑, 这里有一些建议可以帮助你确定你是否准备好做出这些第一次的财务决定. 

Buying a house

重要的事情先说:你存了足够的钱吗 down payment? You don't have to put down 20%, 但你的目标应该是你所在地区平均住房成本的20%或更多,以避免支付私人抵押贷款pp王者电子官网. 如果你已经预留了这笔钱,并且已经预先批准了抵押贷款, then you're on the right track.

但在爱上你梦想中的家之前, 了解什么是你能负担的,什么是你不能负担的,这很重要. In addition to a mortgage payment,你的每月开支可能包括物业税和 insurance, which vary by location.

这些加起来可能比你想象的要多:房主pp王者电子官网的年保费平均为1美元,784, per analysis done by Nerd Wallet. 除此之外,您还需要考虑维护成本和期望的升级.

Buying a car

Buying a car 也需要更多的能够支付每月付款. If you've saved up for additional costs, including fuel, insurance premiums, routine maintenance, and repairs, you're almost ready for car ownership.

Next step: Do your research. 首先,找一辆经济上合理的车——每月的总费用是 all 你的家庭汽车支出不应超过你家庭实得工资的20%. Then research your desired car's estimated depreciation.

Purchasing life insurance

A life insurance 政策可以在你离开后为你所爱的人提供经济支持. It isn't just for married couples with children, either: If you have dependents of any kind, you may be ready to consider life insurance. Before committing to a policy, decide whether term or whole life insurance is best for you.

Building an emergency fund

When building an emergency fund 最好从确定你需要存多少钱开始. Using a savings calculator 能帮助我们确定应该是多少吗. 设定每月预算可以让你看到有多少钱入账, 外出以及你能存多少钱作为应急基金. Then commit to saving that amount every month. And if possible, 金额是否已自动转入账户-不可见, out of mind.

Saving for retirement

你越早实施退休计划,你就会感觉越好 saving for retirement. 如果可能的话,一找到第一份工作就开始为退休储蓄是个好主意. 如果没有,要知道最重要的事情是从今天开始(或者尽快开始). 你可以把额外的钱用在工作上:加薪、礼物、奖金等等 tax refunds 还有其他方法可以帮助你建立退休储蓄吗.

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