家庭 eating a meal together at a table.


家庭 eating a meal together at a table.


What is 终身pp王者电子官网?

终身pp王者电子官网, sometimes called permanent insurance, 或者是平凡的生活, is designed to stay in force throughout one's lifetime. 只要保单持有人履行了他或她在保单下的义务, 这项政策仍然有效, regardless of any changes in health that may occur.

Premiums for most whole life policies remain level. A portion of each premium payment is set aside to earn interest. Over time, a whole life policy will develop cash values. 累积的现金价值形成储备,使pp王者电子官网公司能够支付保单的全部死亡赔偿金, while keeping premiums level.

在生活, 许多终身寿险都有从累积现金价值中借入一部分的规定. If a policy is terminated without the insured dying, 对于保单所有者可用的现金价值,有多种退保选项.


Example graphs f或者是平凡的生活 and limited-payment life insurance

T在这里 are two primary types of whole life insurance, based on the period over which the premium payments are made:

日常生活: 普通人寿pp王者电子官网假定pp王者电子官网费将一直支付到被pp王者电子官网人死亡为止. 保费是基于被pp王者电子官网人将在某一年龄死亡的假设,通常是100岁. 如果被pp王者电子官网人活到这个年龄,pp王者电子官网单支付死亡pp王者电子官网金的面值.

Limited-payment生活: 这种类型的终身寿险假设所有的保费支付都是在指定的, 有限时间内, typically ranging from one to 30 years. 有限付款人寿pp王者电子官网的保费一般高于普通人寿pp王者电子官网, because the payment period is shorter.

Common uses of 终身pp王者电子官网

终身寿险非常适合那些不会随时间减少的需求. Some commonly found uses for whole life are:

  • 家庭保护: To provide funds to support a surviving spouse and/or minor children, particularly for individuals who start a family later in life; to pay final bills, such as medical or other estate expenses, and federal and state death taxes.
  • 业务规划: Whole life insurance is often used for many different 商业目的, such as insuring key employees, in split-dollar insurance arrangements, and funding nonqualified deferred compensation plans. 业务延续计划通常涉及使用终身pp王者电子官网作为买卖协议的资金来源.
  • 积累的需求: 有些人会利用整个生命周期的现金价值特征作为一种为特定目的积累资金的方式, such as funding college education, or as a supplemental source of retirement income.
  • 慈善礼物: To provide funds for a gift to charity.

Modified endowment contracts (MECs)

A life insurance policy issued on or after June 21, 19881 如果在头七年(7-pay test)的任何时间内累计支付的保费超过同期的净水平保费总额,可被归类为修订养老合同(MEC).

If a policy is classified as a MEC, all withdrawals (including loans) will be taxed as current income, until all of the policy earnings have been taxed. 如果车主在提款时年龄在59岁半以下,还需要额外缴纳10%的罚款, unless the payments are due to disability or are annuity type payments.



Whole life policies often have additional, useful features:

  • 政策贷款: 几乎所有的保单都允许保单所有人借用一部分累积现金价值, with the insurance company charging interest on the loan. 借入这些资金的利率通常低于当前的公开市场利率. 如果被pp王者电子官网人在贷款和任何到期利息偿还之前死亡,保单贷款将减少应付的死亡抚恤金. 如果保单终止,保单贷款也会减少现金退保价值. If a policy lapses or is surrendered with a loan outstanding, the loan will be treated as taxable income for the current year, to the extent of gain in the policy.
  • 政策红利: 被归类为“参与型”的终身合约提供了政策“红利”的可能性." Such policy dividends are not guaranteed, and represent a return to the policy owner of part of the premium paid. 股息可以作为现金持有,或者保单可以提供一些其他方式来使用股息:
    • To reduce current premium payments;
    • 购买额外的、完全付费的pp王者电子官网(称为付费附加);
    • To be retained by the insurer, earning interest for the policyholder;
    • To purchase one-year term insurance;
    • To be added to the policy's cash value;
    • To "pay up"the policy earlier than originally scheduled.

Policy dividends used to purchase paid-up additions

Whole life insurance policy dividends used graph

Although policy dividends are not guaranteed, using available dividends to purchase paid-up additions can, 随着时间的推移, 有一个显著的, 对死亡抚恤金和终身寿险的现金价值均有积极影响. 该图说明了在一个假设的人寿pp王者电子官网单中这是如何工作的.


A number of optional provisions, commonly referred to as riders, can be added to a basic whole life policy, generally through payment of an additional premium:

  • 放弃保费:如被pp王者电子官网人伤残或丧失工作能力,可获豁免缴付保单保费.
  • 意外死亡:如果被pp王者电子官网人在意外事故中死亡,向受益人支付pp王者电子官网单面值的两倍(在某些情况下是三倍).
  • Spousal or family term insurance:允许保单持有人为配偶或子女购买定期pp王者电子官网.
  • 加速死亡抚恤金加速死亡抚恤金条款允许在被pp王者电子官网人还活着的时候支付部分保单的死亡抚恤金. 这种津贴通常在被pp王者电子官网人出现预计会在短期内导致死亡的医疗状况时支付.

1 包括在该日期之前发布的,但后来发生重大变化的政策.

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本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.


状态 Farm 人寿pp王者电子官网 Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI)
状态 Farm 生活 and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI)


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How much life insurance do I need?

From your income to your children's future education, 在这里's what to consider when you buy life insurance.




Not all life insurance policy types are the same. 了解它们可以帮助你决定哪种人寿pp王者电子官网最适合你.

定期人寿pp王者电子官网vs. whole life insurance: Which is right for you?

评估优势vs。. disadvantages of these types of life insurance may help you decide.