
Should you DIY your move or hire someone?

自己搬家vs雇佣搬家公司:从DIY到提供全方位服务的专业搬家公司, here are some options to consider.

Moving into a new place is about more than just going through your belongings, signing paperwork and setting up the utilities. 即使你只是搬出一室公寓,没有很多东西, 把所有的东西从一个地方运到另一个地方可能是一个后勤挑战——更不用说如果你雇了专业的搬运工,费用就很昂贵了. And with more available options 现在,人们比以往任何时候都更自然地考虑DIY是否能省钱. 在你开始打包行李之前,这里有一些事情和费用需要考虑.

Distance matters

当你决定是租卡车还是雇搬运工时,首先要考虑距离. 在全国范围内搬家比在城里搬家要贵得多, no matter how you do it. A full-service cross-country move will run $2,200 – $5,700 on average, whereas a local move will be closer to the $600 – $1,650 range.


搬家公司可以把东西在一个地方打包,在另一个地方拆包——你不需要动一根手指. The average packing cost is around $1,000, 除此之外,你还需要预算劳动力成本, which can run anywhere from $25 to $50 per hour, per worker.

Transportation only

一个更实惠的选择是自己打包,然后雇佣专业搬运工来做剩下的事情. 对于超过100英里的距离,大多数搬运工的平均收费为0美元.50 per pound and $0.75 per mile. These rates often decrease as the distance increases.

DIY moving

你要搬的地方越远,你自己打包和开车就能省下越多的钱. 事实上,如果你的搬迁距离超过100英里,你可能会节省多达1000美元. 但是DIY搬家的成本不仅仅是卡车. Consider the cost of gas, 雇佣朋友和家人(或其他人)帮忙的成本——无论你是支付现金还是披萨——以及你和你的帮手的时间承诺.

Make a decision

Every move is different, 知道什么时候聘请搬家公司取决于当时对你最重要的事情. 通常,最好的决定方法是从多个搬家和卡车租赁公司征求报价. Use the calculators here to estimate the cost of moving. 然后,看看这三个版本中哪一个对你的钱包和时间最有意义.


Start by looking at the numbers.

Distance matters

在全国范围内搬家比在城里搬家要贵得多, no matter how you do it.

  • 2200 - 5700美元:一次全方位服务的越野搬家的平均费用1
  • $600 to $1,650: range in cost of a local move1

Weigh your moving options

  1. Full-service
  2. Transportation only
  3. DIY



  • $25 – $50: average cost of labor per hour, per worker
  • $1,000: average packing cost

Transportation only

一个更实惠的选择是自己打包,然后雇搬运工来做剩下的事情. 对于超过100英里的距离,大多数搬运工收取每磅和每英里的双重费率.2

  • $0.50 per pound
  • $0.75 per mile



  • 1000美元:超过100英里的搬迁可能节省的费用1

There's more cost to a DIY move than just the truck.

  • The cost of gas
  • 雇佣朋友和家人(或其他人)帮忙的成本——无论你是付现金还是披萨
  • 给你和你的家人(和朋友)的时间承诺

Make a decision

Every move is different, 知道什么时候聘请搬家公司取决于当时对你最重要的事情.



1 HomeAdvisor.com (http://www.homeadvisor.com/cost/storage-and-organization/hire-a-moving-service/)

2 Movers.com (http://www.movers.com/moving-guides/how-do-movers-calculate-costs.html #: ~:文本= % 20公司% 20 % 20个不同的% 2 c % 20,但您% 20的% 20远% 20将% 20旅行)

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